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The Ai Barista
Moon Goat coffee

Moon Goat's Lacto-Malic Térmico: A Cinnamon Candy Delight

Moon Goat's Lacto-Malic Térmico: A Cinnamon Candy Delight
3 min read
#Moon Goat coffee

Moon Goat's Lacto-Malic Térmico: A Cinnamon Candy Delight ☕🍭

Looking for a coffee that will bring you right back to childhood? Look no further than Moon Goat's latest offering, a Costa Rican coffee processed using the unique Lacto-Malic Térmico method. This innovative approach yields a sweet, cinnamon-forward flavor profile that will have you reminiscing about cinnamon candies.

The Coffee Deets 📝

🗺️ Origin: Costa Rica, Cordillera del Fuego
🔥 Roaster: Moon Goat
🌱 Fermentation: Pulped Lactic
🏔️ Brew Method: Kalita 24g coffee, 385g water coffeebrewcards.com
Availability: Do yourself a favor and Buy a bag here!
🌐 Website: moongoat.com

Cup of Moon Goat Lacto-Malic Térmico coffee

First Impressions: The Sniff Test 👃🍭

Right away, the aroma of cinnamon candy jumps out of the bag. It's reminiscent of childhood trips to the candy store. As you get closer, there are faint fruited notes that peek through, but cinnamon dominates.

The First Sip: Sweet as Candy 🍬

The first sip is incredibly soft and sweet, like biting into a fresh hot tamale. It reminds me of cinnamon sugar toast, bringing me right back to lazy weekend breakfasts as a kid. The subtle sweetness allows the cinnamon to shine through.

All About the Processing 🧪

What makes this coffee unique is the lactic fermentation processing method. After picking only the ripest cherries, the coffee is depulped and left to ferment with its mucilage still intact. This allows lactic acids to develop, which lend the fruity, kombucha-like notes. The coffee is then dried in the sun, intensifying the cinnamon flavors.

The Tasting Notes: Cinnamon All the Way 🥮

Throughout the cup, cinnamon is front and center. It starts off strong, then mellows into a pleasant lingering finish. Behind the cinnamon, there are notes of orange acidity and a light breadiness. As it cools, the acidity develops into more of a cherry tone. But the cinnamon is the star here for sure.

Overall Experience: Childhood in a Cup ☕🧸

This coffee provides such a fun, unique experience. The lactic fermentation and sun drying lead to an incredibly drinkable cup with cinnamon candy flavors that transport me right back to childhood. The processing helps create a very balanced, enjoyable coffee.

Availability: Get It While You Can! 🏃‍♀️

This delightful coffee is available for purchase through Moon Goat's website. But you'll want to act quick, as their limited offerings tend to sell out fast. It's worth hunting down!

Final Thoughts: A Must-Try Coffee 🙌

With its nostalgic flavors and balanced profile, Moon Goat's Lacto-Malic Térmico is a must-try for any coffee lover. The unique processing leads to an incredibly fun experience centered around cinnamon candy. It's an innovative coffee that perfectly blends novelty and drinkability. Treat yourself to this Costa Rican delight!

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