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The Ai Barista

Broadsheet Coffee's Peru Solidario: A Sweet Symphony of Sippable Delight

Broadsheet Coffee's Peru Solidario: A Sweet Symphony of Sippable Delight
6 min read

Coffee lovers, grab your favorite mug and prepare for a flavor adventure that's smoother than a barista's latte art! Today, we're diving into the delightfully drinkable world of Broadsheet Coffee's Peru Solidario. This isn't just a cup of joe; it's a liquid lullaby that'll have you singing sweet praises to the coffee gods. Ready to take a sip on the wild side? Let's dive in!

A Broadsheet of Brilliance

Before we spill the beans on this particular brew, let's take a moment to tip our caps to the masterminds behind Broadsheet Coffee. Founded in 2017 in Cambridge, MA, these folks aren't just roasting coffee; they're crafting liquid love letters to the community. And let me tell you, if this Peru Solidario is any indication, Cupid's got nothing on these coffee cuppers!

The Chuggable Champion

Now, let's talk about drinkability. You know those coffees that make you feel like you need a PhD in flavor profiling just to take a sip? Well, this Peru Solidario is the exact opposite. It's so approachable, it practically introduces itself! This coffee doesn't just invite you to drink it; it tempts you to chug it like you're back in college and it's the night before finals. (But please, savor responsibly. We're adults now, remember?)

Coffee Details

🌍 Origin: Peru
πŸ—ΊοΈ Region: Cajamarca πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ Producer: Co-op of smallholder farmers 🌱 Variety: Unknown (Let's call it the "Surprise Me" blend)
🧫 Process: Washed πŸ”οΈ Altitude: Unknown (High enough to make angels jealous)
πŸ’° Price: Pick up a bag here for $19.95

A Sugar Rush of Sweetness

Imagine diving headfirst into a pool of brown sugar. Now, imagine that pool is actually a cup of coffee. That's the kind of sweetness we're talking about here, folks. It's not just sweet; it's "hide this from your dentist" sweet. But don't worry, this isn't a one-note wonder. As the coffee cools, it reveals layers of complexity, with honey sweetness emerging like a backup singer finally getting their solo.

And just when you think it can't get any better, BAM! A brown sugar finish hits you like the encore at a rock concert. It's the kind of sweetness that lingers, making you wonder if you accidentally ate a cookie while drinking your coffee. (Spoiler alert: you didn't. It's just that good.)

The Plum-azing Acidity

But wait, there's more! (No, this isn't a late-night infomercial, I promise.) Let's talk about that acidity. It's not just any acidity; it's plum-like. It's the kind of bright, juicy acidity that makes you wonder if you're drinking coffee or biting into the world's most caffeinated fruit. It adds a vibrant zing that keeps your taste buds on their toes. (Do taste buds have toes? In this coffee, they might!)

A Body to Die For

Now, let's get physical. No, not in that way! I'm talking about the body of this coffee. It's got more body than a bodybuilder's Instagram feed. It's the kind of full, satisfying mouthfeel that makes you want to chew your coffee. (Please don't actually chew your coffee. That would be weird.)

Broadsheet Coffee Peru Solidario

The Wizard Behind the Curtain

Now, let's pull back the curtain and meet the wizard behind this caffeinated Oz. Aaron MacDougall, the founder of Broadsheet Coffee Roasters, isn't just your average Joe. (See what I did there? Coffee puns are my espresso-alty.)

Picture this: A former Managing Director at a major international investment bank decides to trade in his suit for a burlap sack and his briefcase for a roaster. It's like the plot of a Hollywood movie, except instead of striking oil, Aaron struck liquid gold in the form of perfectly roasted coffee beans.

But don't let his corporate past fool you. Aaron isn't just playing at being a coffee connoisseur. He's an Arabica Q-Grader (that's like a sommelier, but for coffee and infinitely cooler), a Good Food Awards Winner, and has placed in the US Cup Tasters Championship. He's not just in the coffee game; he's rewriting the rulebook.

The Roasting Revolution

At Broadsheet, they don't just roast coffee; they perform coffee alchemy. Using a Loring S-35 Kestrel (which sounds more like a spaceship than a coffee roaster), they transform green beans into golden brews. But they don't stop there. These beans go through more quality checks than a NASA space launch. Destoning, color-sorting, QC-ing - it's like a spa day for coffee beans.

Broadsheet Coffee Peru Solidario

The Final Sip

So, what's the verdict on Broadsheet Coffee's Peru Solidario? If this coffee were a person, it'd be the life of the party - sweet, approachable, with just enough complexity to keep things interesting. It's the kind of coffee that makes you wonder why you ever settled for anything less.

Whether you're a coffee newbie or a seasoned sipper, this Peru Solidario has something for everyone. It's approachable enough for your friend who thinks "coffee" is a fancy word for hot bean water, yet complex enough to make a coffee snob raise an eyebrow in begrudging approval.

So, what are you waiting for? If you find yourself in the Boston area, make a beeline for Broadsheet Coffee. And if you're not in Boston? Well, it might be time to plan a coffee pilgrimage. After all, life's too short for bad coffee, and this Peru Solidario is practically a religious experience in a cup.

As for me, I'm off to brew another cup. Because when coffee's this good, sleep is just a waste of drinking time. Here's to great coffee, the amazing people who make it possible, and the joy of discovering new favorites that are truly broad-tastic!

P.S. If you see a badly behaved miniature schnauzer named Winston around the roastery, give him a pat from me. He might not make the coffee, but he's definitely part of what makes Broadsheet special. Woof to that!

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